
「白猫のセレーネ」 Sélène the White Cat

¥12,880 tax included

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Sélène is a cat named after the moon goddess from Greek mythology. Her clear blue eyes are as mystical and beautiful as the stars shining in the night sky. The white cat, long cherished as a symbol of purity and happiness, is believed to bring its owner special comfort and good fortune.

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◆素材 Material◆
ポリエステル Polyester

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【お届けまで約10日〜20日。安心してご購入頂く為のお知らせです Delivery takes approximately 10 to 20 days. Important information for a safe purchase.】


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◆お支払い方法について About Payment Methods◆

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・商品在庫切れにより注文キャンセルとさせていただく恐れもございますので、予めご了承くださいませ。Please note that your order may be canceled due to out-of-stock items.

・仕入れ工場を変えることがあるため、記載サイズと若干異なる場合がございます。The size may slightly differ from the listed measurements due to changes in the supplier's factory.
・商品の色味は、お手持ちのスマートフォンの画面によって実物と若干異なる場合がございます。The actual color of the product may vary slightly depending on your smartphone screen.

・イメージ違いやサイズ交換等、お客さまご都合による交換、返品は対応出来かねます。We do not accept exchanges or returns due to differences in image or size, or for any other reasons attributable to the customer.

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品番 Item Code:S500

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◆The Cats' Dimensions◆

Sサイズ: 愛らしい子猫サイズ
Petite Adorable Kitten

体長(Length): 18cm
尻尾(Tail): 16cm
高さ(Height): 9.5cm
横幅(Width): 10cm

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Mサイズ: 気まぐれ中猫サイズ
Playful Medium Cat Size

体長(Length): 26cm
尻尾(Tail): 23cm
高さ(Height): 13cm
横幅(Width): 15cm

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Relaxed Large Cat Size

体長(Length): 31cm
尻尾(Tail): 30cm
高さ(Height): 15cm
横幅(Width): 17cm

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 Cat Size Guide
Please note: Due to the nature of the manufacturing process, there may be a slight variation of approximately -1cm to +1cm in measurements. We hope you’ll appreciate these as the unique traits of each cat.

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The Moonlight of Happiness Brought by Selene









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A Quiet Afternoon

In a quiet afternoon, within a gracefully decorated room bathed in shades of pink, she sat on her usual sofa and gazed down at her feet, where Selene lay. Selene, the white cat named after the moon goddess from Greek mythology, was special to her. Those clear blue eyes, as if reflecting the stars in the night sky, made Selene a unique and precious presence in her life.

The Encounter

Their meeting seemed coincidental yet felt destined. On that day, overwhelmed by work and the demands of life, she found herself wandering the streets, trying to fill an emptiness within. She stopped in front of a small animal shelter, where a white cat quietly stared at her from a tiny cage. Those deep blue eyes drew her in, and before she knew it, Selene had become a part of her home.

A New Life

After Selene came into her life, things began to change little by little. Even on days when she returned home exhausted from work, Selene would greet her at the door. One look from those blue eyes, and she could feel the weariness in her heart start to melt away. As the time they spent together increased, she noticed how the emptiness within her was gradually being filled. It was as if, along with the budding of love, she was slowly regaining pieces of herself.

A Time of Change

But time flows ceaselessly, and as she grew older, she began to realize certain things. The things she once chased after no longer seemed so important. More than anything, she wanted to cherish the quiet, peaceful moments with Selene. One day, as she held Selene on her lap and reflected on the past, tears welled up in her eyes.

"I'm so glad you’re here with me…" she whispered. In response, Selene gently nuzzled her hand and purred softly. It was a moment that kindled a warm light in her heart.

Towards the Future

Selene was more than just a pet to her. What Selene taught her was not the pursuit of material success or societal recognition, but the value of inner peace and love. No matter how many years passed, the love and sense of security that this small white cat had given her would forever be etched in her heart.

She gently embraced Selene and made a vow in her heart, "Let's stay together, always." As if understanding this, Selene quietly nestled close to her once again.

And with that, she became certain. The days spent with Selene were the most beautiful and irreplaceable moments of her life. Just as Selene bore the name of the moon goddess, there was a gentle moonlight within her heart that would continue to shine forever.

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¥12,880 tax included
